On 19.06.2021 the Clinic of Vascular Surgery at the St. Marina University Hospital, MU–Varna, urgently admitted a 61-year-old patient with hypovolemic shock, developed shortly after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the lower extremities, performed in another hospital. The patient appeared in the emergency department of St. Marina University Hospital with low blood pressure, laboratory data suggesting acute bleeding, and pain in the right abdomen, as well as complaints of pain behind the sternum, as in unstable angina pectoris. The imaging studies performed after the appearance of the first complaints—computed tomography with contrast of the abdomen, pelvis and lower extremities, visualized a large hematoma occupying the right retroperitoneal space, reaching the right kidney and partially detaching the same, on the left—reaching the common iliac artery and paraaortic space. Concomitant diseases of the patient were type 2 diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, blood hypertension, chronic arterial insufficiency of the lower extremities, in particular, stenosis of the superficial femoral artery. After discussing the patient, he was assessed as high risk for surgical removal of the hematoma. Given the comorbidity and general condition of the patient it was decided that it was best for the patient to be placed and treated in intensive care. After spending five days there, he showed signs of general stabilization. He was later discharged in very good condition with instructions for stenting the coronary arteries.
hematoma, complications, PTA
Feliciano David, M.D - Management of traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma - Annals of Surgery,
Kharmene L. SungaM. Fernanda BellolioRachel M. GilmoreDaniel Cabrera – Spontane-ous retroperitoneal hematoma: etiology, characteristics, management and outcome,
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