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Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. The Cultural Heritage of Varna and the Black Sea Region

Bauhaus and the beginning of modern architecture in Varna

Stancho Tsekov


The study focuses on the beginning of the modern architecture in Varna on the eve of the forthcoming a 100th anniversary of the establishment of Bauhouse in Germany, to be celebrated in 2019 in Europe and around the world. The paper contains some example of the local architecture that has been influensed by the Bauhouse school which treats architecture as a form of art comprising all spheres of life.
Two Varna-based architects have been showcased: Stefan Venedict Popov and Zhelyazko Bogdanov, alumni of the Munich and Brno universities. With their work
they managed to change Varna`s aspect in the spirit of Bauhouse`s modernism as early as 15-16 years after it was established.
In conclusion, the two architects` contribution to Varna`s architecture is pointed out in camparison with some contemporary eclectic building which proves the actuality of Bauhouse`s modern movement in the context of the global architecture of our times.


Bauhouse, modern movement, modernism, architecture, design, art, contemporary, eclectic

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