The village of Dobrina is located at a distance of 2-3 km. from Provadia. It is unique because of its churches. Two of them - `Saint Theodor` and `The most Holy Virgin`s Christmas`- are from the late Middle Ages. `Saint Theodor` is only built with stone blocks (including its cove ceiling). Its lenght is 24,30 m. and its width varies from 6,38 to 6,68 m. It is sunken in the earth and its upper part of the 2 meters of height is only visible. This church has been in function until the beginning of the 20th century. Today it is a tourist аttraction.
The other church - `The most Holy Virgin`s Christmas` - has been half-destroyed about the end of 19th century. Its apse only is available. Both temples are from the so-called Arbanasy type. In 1906 the inhabitants of Dobrina built a new church on the foundation of the second church. It bears the same name and it is in service nowadays.
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