The text that follows shows that with the work and diligence of many Russian scholars of the XIX century, such as Prince M. Obolenski and others, it became clear that in the X century in Kievan Rus, on the orders of Simeon the Great, Gregory the Presbyter brought a large number of books on religious, historical and behavioral topics. According to the findings of Prince M. Obolenski in 1851, they were 784, based on the contents of the Chronicle of Pereslavl-Suzdal. They were the first books from Bulgaria to lay the foundations of the Russian script. The text shows the appearance, names, and contents of several samples of them.
Летописец Переславля-Суздальсаго, составленный въ началѢ XIII вѢ-ка (между 1214 и 1219 годовъ), Москва в Университетской Типографiи. 1851.
Раздивиловская летопись, ЛЕНИНГРАД, «НАУКА», ЛЕНИНГРАД-СКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ, 1989
Лаврентиевская летопись, Project/page_Show.php
Лицевой летописный свод XVI века, Библейская история Книга 1. – М.: ООО Фирма „АКТЕОН“, 2014, 596 стр.
Лицевой летописный свод XVI века, Всемирная история Книга 6. – М.: ООО Фирма „АКТЕОН“, 2014, 518 стр.