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Stamatova, N., Angelov. A., Volumetrization of 2D FLIR Thermo-scans, Xth International Scientific Conference оn Architecture and Civil Engineering ArCivE 2021, 29 Мау 2021, Varna, Bulgaria, ArCivE ‘2021, Vol. 3 – 2021, ISSN 2535-0781, 2021
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TPeTChrceU&t=10s Volumetrization Techniques Video-tutorial (part 2), YouTube channel of Architectural Spies Ltd., 2021
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Stamatova N., Digitization of Objects of Cultural Heritage of Varna, Produced in the Studio Architectural Spies in the Period 2013-2019, Известия на съюз на учените – Варна, ISSN: 1314-586X, 2019
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRyggv7P1H4&t=4s , Cultural Heritage Digitization, Varna, 2019, YouTube channel of Architectural Spies Ltd., 2019
Stamatova N., Preparation of 3D Models of Archaeological Sites, Buildings, Fragments and Details through Automatic Transformation of 2D Data. Examples of the Territory of the City of Varna. Use of the Method for Preparing a Database for Development of Software Applications for Augmented Reality, v.1, 2018 of the journal "Digitization of the Cultural-Historical Heritage", issue of the National Center of Digitization of the Balkans, Black Sea Region, and Caucasus, Sofia (ISBN-978-954-8405-69-0) and in the CD (IBSN-978-954-8405-70-6), 2018
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