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Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. The Cultural Heritage of Varna and the Black Sea Region

The elimination of malaria in our country and the contribution of the Varna Institute for Fighting Malaria in this process

Aneta Kirova


Malaria has been known in Bulgarian territory since ancient times. The social significance of this parasitosis is determined by the severe consequences for people’s health and the country’s economy. The study traces and analyzes the methods and means of the fight against malaria in the period between 1910 and 1957 with the latter marking the last case of locally transmitted malaria registered in Varna region. The main articles and the contribution of the Varna health specialists, who were involved in the eradication of the disease, were examined. Special attention was paid to the activities of the Varna Institute for the Fight against Malaria (1945-1948) in population prevention, treatment of the sick, conducting remedial measures in swampy areas, and development of scientific activity.


malaria, parasitic diseases, anti-malaria institute, Varna, malaria eradication, history of medicine

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СЗО, Женева, доклад от 06.12.2021.



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