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Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. The Cultural Heritage of Varna and the Black Sea Region

What was the capital of Great Bolgaria?

Dimitar Chanev


The union of Great Bolgaria lasted approximately from 632 to 679. S. Pletneva writes that the capital of this state was the city of Phanagoria, which was located on the Taman Peninsula. This is unacceptable, because archeology shows that more important artifacts associated with donations from the court of Constantinople during the time of the great ruler Kubrat are located near the Middle Dnieper, Poltava region. In turn, the morpheme `ta` indicates the supremacy of Poltava, therefore, the city with this name was the capital of the Bolgarian state.


Bolgaria, Phanagoria, Poltava, kagan, Kubrat

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