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Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Maritime Sciences Series

Vertical structure of seasonal climatic fields of the sea water temperature and salinity in front of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast

Dimitar Trukhchev, Radostin Naydenov


Refined results from climatic seasonal averaging of data from multi-years in-situ measurements of fields of the water temperature T and salinity S are presented. The historical data set used consists of more than 21000 hydrological stations and is built on the base of information from SeaDataNet infrastructure. The vertical hydrological structure of the coastal, open shelf, continental slope, and deep-sea water in front of the Bulgarian coast stretching 32ËšE is described. As distinct from both the most complete of the present-day hydrological arrays prepared by V. Tuzhilkin and V. Belokopitov on a regular horizontally mesh for the entire Black sea basin, in this study the water area is divided into several regions according to their hydrodynamical and oceanographical characteristics. The layer`s centers between next horizons: 0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 120, 180, 250, 350, 500, 800, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2250 m are used describing the vertical peculiarities of T and S from the seasurface to the bottom. Principal features of the seasonal climatic variability of the thermohaline fields in the study water area are shown. The results obtained give possibility for assessments in wide range of fields relevant to external effects both from natural and anthropogenic character upon the marine environment.


temperature, salinity, climatic thermohaline structure, Western part of the Black Sea

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