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Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Maritime Sciences Series

Coastal fortification facilities and phytoplankton structure in the coastal zone of the Black Sea

Daniela Klisarova, Dimitar Gerdzhikov


In the summer of 2019, a study was conducted on the development of phytoplankton in Black Sea waters along coastal fortification facilities /groins/. The aim was to study the characteristics of phytoplankton during the summer in coastal areas subject to eutrophication pressure. Relatively low quantitative quantities of phytoplankton were found, no blooms was observed. Higher amounts of phytoplankton were recorded on the right side of the coastal fortification facilities.


Black Sea, phytoplankton, coastal fortification facilities

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ДВ бр.22, 2013. Държавен вестник, бр.22 от 5 март 2013 г., Официално издание на РБ.

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