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Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Maritime Sciences Series


Cover and Contents

Cover and Contents PDF


Vertical structure of seasonal climatic fields of the sea water temperature and salinity in front of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast PDF
Dimitar Trukhchev, Radostin Naydenov 3-14
Natural gas extraction from shallow water sources of gas in front of the beach of Golden Sands resort complex PDF
Gencho Georgiev 15-18
Method for preliminary crossing, niveling of flowering caisson type pneumo-structure and pressure of the Earth basis PDF
Gencho Georgiev 19-25
Sources of groundwater pollution in Bulgarian Black Sea coast PDF
Kristina Gartsiyanova 27-32
Morphometric, quantitative and population characteristics oF Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) in front of Pasha Dere PDF
Antoaneta Trayanova 33-42
Macrosynthetic plastic waste in the Black Sea surface waters and the phenomenon „plastic cloud` PDF
Trayan Trayanov 43-48

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