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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series

Mediation as a strategic tool in the manager's practice

Velislava Nikolaeva


This paper presents the results of a study conducted on the applicability of mediation in managerial practice. In the development, mediation is seen as a strategic management tool for influence and interaction at the workplace, and in addition to managers, members of the teams they lead also participate in the study. The thesis defended is that mediation can be used as a management tool in the practice of managers and as such, it increases the effectiveness of workplace interaction between participants in the implementation of a task, project or process. A working hypothesis is also introduced according to which managers use the statutory mediation technology in their practice in a targeted and adapted way. The survey found that in business organizations where managers use mediation in their practice, employees feel more relaxed and motivated, and destructive conflicts are significantly less.


mediation, strategic behaviour, management, competitive advantage, management style

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