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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series

Comparative analysis of the entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of students from some majors at Varna University of Economics

Ivan Petrov


The report presents the results of a survey among current students from several bachelor and master programs at the University of Economics Varna, focused on their entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. The study is based on the theory of planned behavior. Entrepreneurial intentions are assessed based on the likelihood of owning their own business as well as in hypothesized situations - grant funding, unemployment, combining with raising children.

„Entrepreneurial attitudes“ were assessed with 5 principal components related to an assessment of the degree to which the person is attracted to, ready for, and motivated for such a career. Attitudes about "subjective norms" were measured by the person's assessment of the reaction of those closest to him or her to the possible decision to become self-employed. Self-assessment by individuals of how successfully they could start and run their own business was used to examine „perceived behavioral control “.


entrepreneurship, self-employment, own business, attitudes, intentions

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