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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series

Segmentation and composition of lexical units in the field of computer terminology

Anita Todoranova


The rapid development of information and communication technologies and the widespread digitization in all aspects of our lives motivate us to conduct a study among certain groups of students regarding the spelling of certain complex words – part of computer terminology.

The groups of students we are targeting are those currently studying the Bulgarian language and others for whom such a discipline is absent from the curriculum in their respective higher education institutions.

Our goal is to investigate whether students spell these words correctly (primarily derived from the English language), i.e., whether they are familiar with the literary norm concerning this spelling issue, or if they are influenced by the way these words are spelled in the language from which they are borrowed, or if they have another motivation.


complex words, literary norm, spelling issue, Bulgarian language, computer terminology, Lexical Units

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