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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series

The role of biomass in future energy security

Radmil Nikolov


In the background of a developing energy crisis worldwide, and an economy powered mainly by fossil fuels, energy security is becoming increasingly important. In this regard, biomass can play an important role as an alternative source of energy for the production of fuels, heat or electricity. Uncovering the potential of biomass, as well as new methods to increase yield, is another step on the way to sustainable development and in the direction of mitigating the effects of climate change. The energy security of the planet and the economy should be built on a portfolio of renewable energy sources, and in this mix, biomass should find its rightful place. Bioenergy accounts for approximately one-tenth of the world's total primary energy supply today.


biomass, energy, energy security, renewables, Bulgaria

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