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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Medicine and Ecology Series

Renal involvement in malignant plasmacytoma

Ivelina Nikolova, Iliana Teodorova, Valentin Ikonomov


Malignant plasmacytoma (MP) (multiple myeloma) is a clonal B cell disease affecting slow-release plasmatic cells accompanied by monoclonal paraprotein production followed by lytic bone lesions. Nearly 50% of the newly diagnosed patients have a reduced glomerular filtration rate and about 9% require dialysis treatment due to severe renal impairment. The aim of this study is to direct nephrologists` attention to seeking and diagnosing patients with unclear fast progression of CKD and to highly sensitive methods of proving especially light chainsin urine. Early diagnosis and treatment, rapid and effective reduction in the number and removal of light paraprotein chains by aggressive chemotherapy and/or apheresis may reduce the risk of renal impairment and prevent end-stage renal failure. Rapid and timely diagnosis as well as effective treatment of renal failure combined with conservative and interventional therapy reduces severe complications and significantly prolonged survival in patients with malignant plasmacytoma, delaying the progression of renal involvement.


malignant plasmacytoma, multiple myeloma, osteolytic bone lesions, myeloma nephropathy

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