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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Medicine and Ecology Series

Basic principles and guidelines for correct color determination in dentistry

Radostina Vasileva


Introduction: Contemporary dentistry is defined as a discipline combining the medical aspect and the aesthetic look. In the smile area, aesthetic dental medicine examines three major components of tooth: color, shape, and position. The principles of color reproduction are a basic task for dentists.

Aim: The purpose of this article is to review the basic principles and guidelines for correct determination of tooth color using the classic color vision method.

Materials and Methods: A literature review was conducted focusing on materials published by early 2019. The information was collected manually and electronically using the scientific databases of PubMed, ResearchGate, etc.

Results: The eye is a sensitive organ, but its disadvantage is fatigue and the subjective component of visual perception. Color determination in the dental office is a complex task that is subject to several basic rules: correct lighting, the optic health of the dentist, color, etc.

Conclusion: Most dental offices are equipped with lighting that does not always meet certain standards. In case of eye fatigue, an instrumental determination of tooth color is also required.


tooth color, protocol, dental shade, aesthetic aspects in dental medicine, light

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