In 2007 the International Consensus for Management of Children Born Small for Their Gestational Age (SGA) was published. SGA birth is connected to many complications in different periods of life. Often in practice children born with small sizes are underestimated and not always referred timely to а pediatric endocrinologist. Thеse children represent а significant part of children with growth problems. In our country there is not enough information for the condition and algorithm for its follow-up. Having all this in mind, Varna Pediаtric Endocrine Society (VAPES) and Bulgarian Neonatology Association (BNА) created the Programme for Early Detection and Follow-Up of Full-Term and Pre-Term Children, Born SGA. The current publication presents the design of the study. The Programme is scientifically applied investigation for early detection of full-term and preterm SGA children, aiming to facilitate timely diagnosis of syndromes and conditions connected to SGA births and, if needed, to recommend additional testing, including genetic. Through the Programme we expect to update the data for the prevalence of SGA births and SGA children without postnatal catch-up in our country. At the end of the Programme, we will evaluate its cost-effectiveness and will create an algorithm for detection and treatment of these children.
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