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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Medicine and Ecology Series

Postoperative pain after root canal treatment

Natalia Kostadinova-Guneva, Tsvetelina Borisova-Papancheva


The main goal of endodontic treatment is biomechanical preparation of the root canal, which includes (cleaning, shaping, disinfection) and its hermetic sealing as well as providing conditions for the healing of periradicular tissues. During the shaping of the root canal space products such as dentinal debris, microorganisms, or pulp residues are extruded into periapical tissues. This leads to irritation of the periodontal tissue, which in turn induces postoperative pain. It can be defined as onset of pain or other discomfort in the area of an endodontically treated tooth that occurs within a few hours or a few days after root canal treatment. The patient may feel slight pain in the tooth when chewing, biting, and local symptoms in the area of the oral mucosa such as redness, or a feeling of dull constant pain in the area of the periapex may be observed. Postoperative pain is defined as an unpleasant condition that often occurs after root canal treatment. It occurrence was found to vary between 3 to 58%. This severe pain was observed in 12% of patients within 24–48 hours after endodontic treatment. If it remains neglected, this sensitivity may cause suffering, compromise the quality of life, have psychosocial consequences, and become a public health problem.


postoperative pain, rotary and reciprocal system, debris

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