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Journal of Varna Medical College

Therapeutic possibilities of marma therapy

Yani Shivachev, Ana Ivanova, Cveta Bulatova


Marma therapy, as part of Ayurvedic medicine, is an individual, holistic healing method by which vital points called "Marma" are treated. It is an ancient Indian practice whose focus is the use of prana energy for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Marma therapy is gaining more and more popularity in the western world, as today it can be said that it has successfully established itself as a therapeutic approach in the complex care of the patient's health. In Bulgaria, the closest equivalent of this concept is acupressure techniques and the treatment of trigger points, but in contrast to them, marma therapy achieves significantly faster and longer-lasting healing results. This review article aims to provide the necessary information about the therapeutic benefits of marma therapy.


Ayurveda, prana, marma therapy, marma points

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