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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Innovative ways to detect and monitor vestibular deficiencies

M. Milkov, M. Stoykov, S. Baycheva, E. Todorova, Z. Terzieva, G. Georgieva, M. Enchev


Background. Vestibular dysfunction, which encompasses the presence of nystagmus, dizziness, vertigo symptoms, needs to be assessed in a timely manner, especially in situations when rapid diagnostic decisions are to be taken. Dizziness, as a symptom, is increasingly commonly diagnosed nowadays, even in younger patients. Videonystagmography (VNG) is one of the most widely used methods to record the presence or absence of nystagmus. The implementation and deepening of digital diagnostic workflow in otology and neurotology by including digitalization methods and telemedicine aids the diagnostic process and costs less.
Methods. Scientific databases – PubMed, SCOPUS and MEDLINE, were targeted as sources to gather the data needed to execute the review of literature. Information from scientific books on the thematic, brochures, leaflets was added. Authors used the following keywords: nystagmus, vertigo, smartphone, with time period set 2014-2024.
The aim of the following review article is to point out the usefulness of certain innovative methods in nystagmus detecting and monitoring, including the usage of Artificial intelligence (AI) methodology and telemedicine, which can intensify the patients’ role in the process of diagnostics and rehabilitation of vestibular disorders.
Results and discussion. Clinicians nowadays focus and maintain the course of putting timely diagnosis, based on profound diagnostic measures. They include a number of digital methods, including smartphones and telemedicine.
Conclusions. The onset of the appearance of vestibular disorders according to authors’ data is starting at an earlier age than before. The latter necessitates adequate treatment plan and vestibular rehabilitation execution in order to restore the lost quality of life of patients affected. Prevention and prophylaxis of vestibular disorders are not neglected. It is evident that clinicians in the field of otorhinolaryngology, as colleagues from other medical fields, are trying to deepen the digitalization of the treatment workflow by including artificial intelligence methods and telemedicine, which provide rapidity, accuracy and cost savings.


vertigo, instability, nystagmus, smartphone, innovations, balance disorders

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