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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Is There a Relationship Between Otological Symptoms and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders A Retrospective Study

M. Bencheva, M. Stoilov


Introduction: Otological symptoms are often associated with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). The exact correlation between these two phenomena is being controversially discussed in the literature for many years. This retrospective study aims to investigate the possible association of otological symptoms with specific TMD findings, as well as stress and chronic pain.
Method: We analyzed the anonymized medical records of 56 patients. This included the assessment of the clinical functional status and Manual Structural Analysis (MSA) in accordance to the German Society for Functional Diagnostics and Therapy (DGFDT) and the Graded Chronic Pain Status (GCPS).
Results: From all 56 patients with TMD 32 had otological symptoms. The most common TMD symptoms in patients with aural complains were pain by palpation of the m. masseter (81,82- 83,33%) and m. digastrics venter posterior (81,82% – 100%). Articular sounds were a prevalent finding especially in tinnitus patients (63,64%). An insufficient posterior static occlusion was present in 27,27% – 50% of the cases. Approximately half of the patients with aural complaints mentioned, that they feel stressed. Most of the patients suffered from a functional chronic pain (56,25%). A dysfunctional chronic pain was prevalent in 18,75% of the cases.
Conclusion: The results indicate, that TMD patients with aural
complaints have most often pain in the areas of m. digasticus
venter posterior and m. masseter, so there might be an association
of ear symptoms with a pathology of these muscles. However, no
causal relationship could be proven. Arthropathology, malocclusion,
psychological condition and stress levels are other factors, that
seem to have influence. The etiology is multifactorial and remains


TMD, otological symptoms, tinnitus, otalgia

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