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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Hemodynamic Responses to Different Methods for Upper Airway Instrumentation in Patients Undergoing Laryngectomies

Ts. Marinov, M. Belitova, T. Popov, J. Rangachev, D. Popova


Introduction: Laryngectomy is a surgical procedure for patients with malignancies of the larynx or adjacent anatomical structures. Total laryngectomy is a procedure for complete surgical removal of the larynx. Every surgical intervention with preservation of the physiological speech and swallowing, without the need of permanent tracheostomy, is evaluated as organ preservation laryngeal surgery.
The Aim of the study is to determine the hemodynamic responses to different methods of upper airway instrumentation during the tracheostomy, in patients undergoing laryngectomies.
Materials and Methods: A clinical prospective cohort study including 60 patients undergoing frontolateral resection and 60 patients undergoing total laryngectomy, operated in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology
at the University Hospital „Queen Giovanna“ – ISUL, Sofia, in the period 2012-2015. Patients were divided into three groups according to the used method for upper airway instrumentation during the tracheostomy.
Results and discussion: Patients undergoing frontolateral resection and total laryngectomy have a characteristic hemodynamic response to the used method for upper airway instrumentation.
Conclusion: Upper airway instrumentation during the tracheostomy is a hemodynamic stability defining factor in patients undergoing laryngectomies.


Laryngectomies, upper airway instrumentation, hemodynamic stability

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