Inflammatory odontogenic cysts comprise the entity of radicular cysts which may affect bone jaws to a different extend. Most of these lesions encompass the highest structure – the dental apex and are well defined and delineated from adjacent benign structures. Concerning different clinical characteristics of the remaining odontogenic cysts differential diagnosis includes: residual cyst, follicular cyst, keratocyst, non-odontogenic fissural cysts as well as some malignant diseases including ameloblastoma, cementoma, Pindborg tumor, etc. This article presents a sole case of a massive odontogenic radicular cyst, affecting the right half of the hard palate at the area of lacking molars, crossing midline and containing dental apex. The case was diagnosed as infected radicular cyst on the basis of clinical, histopathological and radiological findings. The clinical characteristics of this cyst represent an interesting and extraordinary finding due to the presence of a foreign body in it, situated far from the upper left side teeth, extracted several years before its appearance. The lesion was surgically enucleated including the apex when all adjacent teeth and vital oral structures were kept intact. No postoperative complications were endured by the patient and normal healing process was
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