Introduction: The authors review the results of preoperative and postoperative evaluation of voice to determine phonosurgical effect of CO2 laser surgery for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
Material and methods: Monitoring is conducted in 96 patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) treated with CO2 laser surgery. Attached are both methods of subjective evaluation of voice-indirect laryngoscopy and perceptual auditory analysis, and such an objective assessment-endolaringostrobosсopy, fonetografy, sonagrafy and computer analysis of the voice signal.
Results: Applied methods for subjective and objective evaluation of voice give us very useful information received postoperative results and allow us to make some recommendations for practice.
Conclusion: These methods allowed us to built complex criteria for objective assessment of fonosurgical effect of CO2 laser surgery for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
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