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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

History of the World Hearing Day

M. Milkov, M. Stoykov, S. Baycheva, St. Konsulov


According to recent data from the World Health Organization from 2019, approximately 466 million people are living with a disabling hearing loss, most of them in low- and middle-income countries. Undiagnosed and untreated hearing disorders are proven to be a leading cause for morbidity and cost annually $750 billion. Hearing disorders and hearing loss are believed to higher their prevalence due to the fact that a wide majority of people are exposed to high noises and lack of timely and adequate hearing diagnostics and treatment of ear conditions.
Scientific databases – PubMed, SCOPUS and MEDLINE were used to search for the information targeted. The following keywords – World Hearing Day, history, events, prophylaxis, hearing disorders were used. Information from the official websites of the societies involved in celebrating World Hearing Day was included as well. The aim of the following article is to study the history of the event from its foundation till today, aiming to stress out its usefulness.
Results and discussion
Back in 1995, World Health Assembly passed a resolution WHA48.9, in which attention of the health impact of hearing loss was put – 120 million people worldwide were living with a disabling hearing difficulties. During the World Health Assembly in 2017, with the adoption of the resolution WHA70.13, hearing care and hearing loss were highlighted as a public health issue. Authors claim that most of the causes for hearing loss are preventable.
World Hearing Day is an international campaign, organized annually by the Office of Prevention of Blindness and Deafness of the World Health Organization (WHO) on March, 3rd. Organizers claim that World Hearing Day is the largest global awareness event, aiming to bring society’s attention to ear and hearing disorders. It addresses hearing loss. First activities, connected with the World Hearing Day, took place in 2007, after the Beijing Declaration during the 1st International Conference on Prevention and Rehabilitation of Hearing Loss.
Legislative measures are need to be undertaken to stress even further the importance of proper hearing. In the era of COVID-19 pandemic and its proven consequences on the hearing and vestibular system, urgent measures for timely diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation are more than ever needed.


World Hearing Day, history, events, prophylaxis, hearing disorders

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