Cover and content | |
Journal Editorial Team | 1-4 |
Hearing Loss Etiology in Patients Submitted to Cochlear Implant | |
Thais Pontes, Clarisse Loures, Oswaldo Laércio Mendonça Cruz | 5-9 |
Peculiarities of the VEMP test in children | |
Kalina Madzharova | 10-13 |
Mucopyocele of the frontal sinus | |
Hr. Zlatanov, A. Korkova | 14-18 |
Applications Of The Methods Of Image Diagnosis In Obstructive Sleepapnea | |
Lyudmil Matev | 19-27 |
Applications of Polysomnography and Apneagraph in Obstructive Sleep Apnea | |
Lyudmil Matev | 28-32 |
Evaluation of the trachea and bronchi for infiltration and ruptures of a neoplastic process originating from the thyroid gland | |
Mitko Mitev | 33-37 |
Trans-oral robotic surgery for obstructive sleep apnea - selection of patients | |
Mario Milkov | 38-45 |
Transoral Robotic Surgery for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea | |
Mario Milkov | 46-52 |