Cover and content | |
Journal Editorial Team | 1-4 |
Severe Laryngeal Obstruction Caused by Laryngeal Cyst (Case report) | |
Sp. Konsulov, S. Markov, A. Topalova, E. Gezer | 5-11 |
Primary thyroglossal duct cyst papillary carcinoma. Case report and literature review | |
A. Topalova, Sp. Konsulov, St. Konsulov, V. Belovezhdov | 12-21 |
Russian Health-related Quality of Life Assessment According to Comq-12 in Patients with Different Forms of Chronic Otitis Media | |
S. Kosyakov, J. Minavnina | 22-24 |
Screening and Comprehensive Evaluation for SRBD, Performed by Dentists in Everyday Clinical Practice | |
S. Gradanska, V. Yordanov, M. Dzhinova | 25-27 |
11th Congress in Otorhinolaryngology – perspectives, innovations, decisions on the topic of oncologic diseases in the head and neck area | |
Journal Editorial Team | 28-53 |