Cover and content | |
Journal Editorial Team | 1-3 |
Treatment Of Snoring And Mild And Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Osa) Using Oral Appliances – An Update And Overview | |
M. Bencheva, R. Benchev | 4-11 |
Diagnostic and treatment workflow of the otorhinolaryngologists and dentists in patients suffering from the Syndrome of Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring | |
M. Milkov, M. Stoykov, G. Georgieva, S. Baycheva, Z. Terzieva | 12-25 |
Latent Mastoiditis And Facial Paralysis In A Child As Complications After A Coxsackie Virus Infection. Clinical Case | |
S. Mirchev, M. Milkov | 26-30 |