Dzhabalyan, K., Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Special Imaging Diagnostics,
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Varna,
Dzhambazov, K., University hospital „Sv. Georgi“ – Plovdiv;
Medical University – Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., Department of Otorhinolaryngology at University Hospital St. George, Plovdiv
Medical University of Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., ENT Department
UMHAT „St. George“ Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., „St. George“ University Hospital Plovdiv,
Medical university Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., Department of Otorhinolaryngology, UMHAT “St. George”, Plovdiv, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Dzhambazov, K., University hospital „St George“ Plovdiv;
Medical University - Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., ENT department, UMHAT “St. George” – Plovdiv, Medical University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Medicine
Dzhambazov, K., Катедра по оториноларингология, Медицински университет – Пловдив
Dzhambazov, K., Medical University of Plovdiv, Department of Ear Nose and Throat disease
Dzhambazov, K., UMHAT „St. George“ – Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., UMHAT „St. George“ Plovdiv Medical University Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Department of Radiology UMHAT “St. George” Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Dzhambazov, K., University Hospital St. George, Plovdiv, Medical University Plovdiv
Dzhambazov, K., Clinic of ENT Diseases, UMHAT St George, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Dzhambazova- Traykova, N., University Hospital St. George, Plovdiv, Medical University Plovdiv
Dzhendov, Dzh., Department of Dental Materials Science and Propaedeutic of Prosthetic Dental Medicine
Prof.” Paraskev Stoyanov “ Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria, Faculty of Dental Medicine, 84 “ Tzar Osvoboditel”BG-9000 Varna, Bulgaria
Dzhenkov, Deyan, Clinic of Pathology, University Hospital “St. Marina”, Varna, Bulgaria
Dzhenkova, L.
Dzhinova, M., Students of Dental Medicine in Medical University of Varna
Dzhongova, Elitsa, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dental medicine, Medical University – Varna
61 - 81 of 81 Items
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