Introduction: Professional organizations have a significant contribution to the development of individual professions, including those in the area of healthcare by guiding the development of the profession from education to recommendations for practice for the benefit of society. No less important is their role in the planning, organization and implementation of continuous vocational training of health professionals, given the present rapid technological progress.
Objective: To study the emergence and development of healthcare professional organizations and in particular X-ray technicians organization in Bulgaria, and their role in the development of the profession – X-ray technician.
Methods: Documentary analysis was used.
Results: The processes that led to the emergence of professional organizations in the field of healthcare and their contribution to the development of the professions are reviewed in historical perspective.
Globally, the role of healthcare professional organizations and in particular those of X-ray technicians is constantly growing in terms of regulations for the profession, development of training guidelines and determining the necessary professional competences. Given the rapid development of technology, increasing attention is paid to the continuous professional development of personnel as an important factor for provision of adequate healthcare services.
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