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Activity Of Dental Technicians - Study Of Foreign Experience

Mihaela Varneva


The dental profession is developing at a rapid pace due to the introduction of new materials and technologies. The purpose of this article is to explore foreign experience regarding the activity of the specialty “dental technician”. 20 countries were studied, some of them EU members. The study and the comparative characterization made it possible to find similarities and differences, some of them significant. It has been found that in some countries there is the presence of the profession “Clinical dental technician” or also called “Prosthetic dental technician”, in others the presence of certified dental technicians and profiling depending on the manufactured dental prosthetic structures and assistants, apprentices, journeymen and master dental technicians. The basic qualities necessary for practicing and carrying out the activity in the specialty are identical for all dental technicians in the world. We still don’t have certification, official profiling and qualification degrees. Dental technicians in Bulgaria are healthcare workers and their profession is regulated. The training is three years and the educational qualification is “professional bachelor”. The comparative analysis made it possible to make recommendations to the professional organization and the legislator: development of rules and introduction of exams for certification and official profiling of those working in Bulgaria. Development and introduction of a master’s program in the specialty to help dental technicians successfully manage their practices and develop their activities, and why not an opportunity for upgrading train-ing to acquire the specialty “Clinical Dental Technician”/”Dental Prosthetic Technician”.


activity, specialty “dental technician”, study, overview, comparative analysis

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