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Non-Pharmacological Ways To Induce Labor – Evidence And Popularity Daniela Lyutakova

Daniela Lyutakova


The paper reviews popular non-pharmacological ways to induce labour in a full-term pregnancy. Existing methods are researched and outlined. It is discussed whether they are evidence-based practices with a focus on their safety level as demonstrated in scientific literature. Local women`s personal experiences and attitudes towards some of those methods are explored with the purposes: (1) to demonstrate the level of popularity of such non-pharmacological ways for labour induction and (2) to assess effectiveness of current prenatal education in regard to the topic and midwives` perspespectives. The research findings are introduced graphically and present the survey results with tendnecies evident. The paper aims to identify opportunities for safe, evidence-based and contemporary prenatal education options that midwives can offer local women.


midwifery care, non-pharmacological methods, labour induction, evidence-based care

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