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Effects of Melatonin and Luzindole on plasma levels of tissue factor, tissue factor Pathway inhibitor and Von Willebrand factor in rats

Negrin Negrev, Yuri Nyagolov, Antoaneta Zarkova, Irina Ilieva Pashalieva, Emiliya Stancheva, Diana Radkova


Introduction: The role of melatonin in hemostasis is still poorly studied.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of melatonin and luzindole, inhibitor of the melatonin receptors - MT1 and MT2, on plasma levels of tissue factor, tissue factor pathway inhibitor and von Willebrand factor.

Material and methods: The study was performed on 52 male Wistar rats, kept at 12/12 h natural regimen dark/light. The daily doses of melatonin 0.2 mg/kg b.m. and luzindole 0.4 mg/kg b.m. were applied subcutaneously twice daily at intervals of 12h for three consecutive days. The rats were distributed into four equal groups (n = 13) and were treated as follows: the first group (control group) - by saline; the second group - by melatonin; the third group - by luzindole; and the fourth group - by luzindole and an hour later by melatonin.

Results: The results show that melatonin significantly increases the plasma levels of TF, reduces the values of free TFPI antigen and free TFPI activity, and increases the values of vWF antigen and vWF activity. Applied alone, luzindole lowers the plasma levels of TF, increases the values of free TFPI antigen and free TFPI activity; decreases the values of vWF antigen and vWF activity. Pretreatment with luzindole repeats the effect of self-administration. The received data show that melatonin induces a pronounced tendency to hypercoagulability in rats by a significant increase in TF, a decrease of free TFPI and free TFPI activity, as well as an increase in vWF antigen and vWF activity.

Conclusions: Lizindole self-administration and pretreatment show a decisive involvement of MT1 and MT2 receptors for accomplishing the effects of the hormone.


melatonin; luzindole; TF; TFPI; vWF; MT1 and MT2 receptors; hypercoagulability

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About The Authors

Negrin Negrev
Department of physiology and pathophysiology, Medical university of Varna

Yuri Nyagolov
Department of physiology, Medical university of Sofia

Antoaneta Zarkova
Specialized hospital for active treatment of hematological diseases of Sofia

Irina Ilieva Pashalieva
Department of physiology and pathophysiology, Medical university of Varna

Emiliya Stancheva
Department of physiology and pathophysiology, Medical university of Varna

Diana Radkova
Medical university of Varna

Department of infectious diseases

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