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Elastic seton procedure for surgical treatment of anorectal fistulas

B. Hadzhiev, B. Sakakushev, A. Todorov, I. Ivanov


The anorectal fistula is a disease requiring careful assessment of the local signs and precise localization of the fistula channel. The Seton procedure for treatment of the fistula-in-ano we apply only for the management of trans- or extrasphincteric anorectal fistula. 152 patients with high trans- or extrasphincteric fistula-in-ano were operated. Men were 123/80.92%/, women-29/19.08%/. In 70 /46.05%/ fistula were extrasphincteric, while in 82/53.95%/ they were transsphincteric. Ba sic step is to identify the internal opening of the fistula channel following Goodsal`s rule. The Seton is trespassed through the internal opening and we tight it moderately. Every next tightening is performed at 3 days intervals. Recurrences ware registered in the first 6 months in 8 patients/5.26%/. We conclude that that seton procedure for treatment of trans- and extrasphincteric fistula is an easy to learn and practice radical one stage surgical method with a cure rate of nearly 95%. Elastic Seton ligation technique is a modification of the known from ancient times conventional ligation procedure. The following procedure is an effective method for difficult and high fistula-in-ano.


Anorectal Fis tula (ARF); Anorectal Ab scess (ARA)

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About The Authors

B. Hadzhiev
Medical university of Plovdiv

University hospital St. George, Clinic of general surgery with coloproctololgy

B. Sakakushev
Medical University of Plovdiv

University hospital St. George, Clinic of general surgery with coloproctololgy

A. Todorov
Medical university of Plovdiv

University hospital St. George, Clinic of general surgery with coloproctololgy

I. Ivanov
Medical university of Plovdiv

University hospital St. George, Clinic of general surgery with coloproctololgy

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