RESUME: Intraoperative ultrasound has become an essential tool for the surgeon in the field of hepatobiliary surgery. No preoperative study has been able to duplicate the sensitivity and specificity of intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) in the identification of occult lesions. With recent improvements in technology, IOUS has now become an indispensable means of defining the extent of disease and respectability, and providing a guide to an atomic and non-anatomic hepatic resections and minimally invasive and percutaneous ablative techniques. The contrast-enhanced intraoperative ultrasound (CE-IOUS) makes IOUS more accurate, thus enhancing the impact of this technique on operative decision-making for liver tumors. The concept of intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) was first introduced in the mid-1960s and was used primarily in evaluating choledocholithiasis. More advanced applications were not pursued until the early 1980s, secondary to the limitations of ultrasound technology, which involved large bulky transducers and a relatively poor image quality [1]. Presently, IOUS is a main stay in all oncologic hepatobiliary procedures. Despite all of these technical advances, preoperative detection of preoperative liver lesions remains 60% to 80%. As a reflection of these shortcomings, false negative rates with CT and MRI range from 40% to 70% Table 1 summarizes these findings, the significance of which are demonstrated by several groups citing that in 27% to 49% of cases the operative plan will be changed based on new IOUS findings. These conclusions hold true even in the modern era of advanced preoperative staging. As a result, IOUS has now become a standard part of almost all hepatobiliary cases.
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