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Lateral ankle ligament complex sprain - epidemiology in Varna region population

Preslav Plamenov Penev


Introduction: Ankle sprains are very common injury, not only in sport, but also in everyday life.  This pattern has been studied in athletic cohorts, but little is known of its epidemiology in the general population. We have not found accounts of the epidemiology rate for ankle sprain in Bulgarian population specifically in Varna region after 1990. Because of this, we have used in a long term, a retrospective epidemiological database to determine the incidence for ankle sprains admitted in the Emergency trauma center - University Hospital St. Anna, Varna, Bulgaria.

Methods: We performed a retrospective statistical processing of patients who have passed through the Emergency trauma center in 01.01.2014-31.12.2014. Incidence rate ratios were then calculated with respect to age, sex, and involvement of the medial or lateral ankle aspect.

Results: During the study period, an estimated 1267 ankle sprains occurred among a population of 475 074 (2011) in Varna region. The epidemiological rate for this period is 2.46 ‰.  Gender distribution - male/female ratio was 1.2/1 (♂  609, ♀ 560). Lateral ankle ligament complex sprains were 92.26% (1 169 cases) of all ankle sprains.

Conclusion: Ankle sprains occur with high frequency and significantly affect the lateral ligament complex. The injury occurs not only during sports but in everyday life. Ankle sprains are often misdiagnosed and undertreated, resulting in chronic pain, muscular weakness and instability. This common trauma leads to serious economic consequences because it requires a long term recovery followed by physical therapy.


ankle sprain; retrospective statistical processing; lateral ankle aspect; medial ankle aspect

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About The Author

Preslav Plamenov Penev
University Hospital St. Anna, Varna

Orthopedics and traumatology

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