Introduction: The European Society of Cardiology classifies arterial pressure bellow 140/90 mmHg as optimal (below 120/80 mmHg), normal (120-129 mmHg for systolic and/or 80-84 mmHg for diastolic) and high normal (130-139 mmHg for systolic and/or 85-89 mmHg for diastolic). The argument is concerned with different cardiovascular risk. The possibility for arterial hypertension (AH) to appear is higher in individuals with high normal arterial pressure (HNAP). Such individuals could be treated with non-drug therapy as the idea is the appearance of AH to be delayed and the cardiovascular risk to be reduced.
The goal of the study was to examine the risk and hemodynamic profile of medical students with HNAP.
Material and methods: The object of the investigation was focused on medical students with HNAP. The two followed-up groups - with HNAP and with optimal arterial blood pressure (OBP) assumed this pattern on the base of inquiry and screening among 116 students (60 men and 56 women). Inquiry and anthropometric methods, arterial pressure monitoring and impedance cardiography were carried out.
Results: The dominance of some factors, predisposing hypertension appearance as overweight, increased salt consumption, family history was registered in HNAP group. Hemodynamic evaluation manifested hyperkinetic type of circulation.
Conclusion: Medical students` risk and hemodynamic profile within HNAP group is close to that of the hypertensive individuals. That makes them a special risk group and there is a necessity of non-drug treatment in order to delay AH expression.
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