Introduction: Prehypertension (PH) is a state being on the frontier between the physiological referent arterial pressure values and pathological ones. The opinion concerned with its treatment is contradictory. Vascular alteration is an object of interest.
Material and methods: Intima Media Thickness (IMT), Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Flow Mediated Dilation (FMD) indices were examined in 103 individuals with PH and 45 normotensives. Anthropometric and clinical chemical methods were also applied. The statistical processing was carried out by ÐœS Excel 2000 and SPSS 11.0.
Results: The pre hypertensives` metabolic profile was unfavorable, they are overweight and have bigger waist size, reflecting in higher cardiovascular risk. The percentage of FMD is reduced as an expression of endothelial function. Structural vascular alterations are not registered - ITM and ABI values are of no significant difference in the two followed up groups.
Conclusion: The therapeutic approach in prehypertensives should be directed to reestablishment of the endothelial function.
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