Modern otorhinolaryngology, head, neck and maxillo-facial surgery and their branches face the challenges of interdisciplinary clinical medicine of the new millennium. The united efforts of a plenty of eminent scientists from Europe are directed to uninterrupted improvement of diagnosis, management and prevention of the socially sig- nificant diseases of the head, ear, nose and throat. Since several decades onwards, a series of national, internation- al and European societies and associations have undoubtedly contributed to the advances of theory and practice in this area by promoting the rapid and wide implementation of the new achievements and the fruitful internation- al collaboration. Let us mention some of these organizations only: Politzer Society Inc., an International Society of Otologic Surgery and Science; the European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology (EAONO); the Mediterra- nean Society of Otology and Audiology (MSOA); the European Academy of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (EAORL-HNS); the European Rhinological Society (ERS); the European Laryngological Society (ELS); the European Head and Neck Society (EHNS), the International Black Sea Otologic and Neuro-Otologic Association (newly-registered in Varna, Bulgaria), etc.