The demographic status of Bulgarian population is characterized by continuously worsening demographic indicators. On the background of low birth rates Bulgaria takes a leading position of births and abortions per 1000 women aged 15-19. The proportion of extramarital births is increasing. The age limit of sexually transmitted diseases is decreasing. These facts show that it is necessary to increase the level of adolescents` health knowledge concerning the problems of sexual and reproductive health. In 2005 a cross-sectional study among 871 students aged 15 - 18 from 12 schools in the town of Shoumen was carried out with the aim of exploring the health knowledge and attitude of adolescents to contraception and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. The respondents are well acquainted with the methods for prevention of unwanted pregnancy, and girls are better informed than boys. Only 3.8% do not know what the methods of contraception are, but 18.9% do not know what the methods for sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS prevention are. The respondents discuss problems concerning sexual behaviour most often with friends and parents. The information related to sexual behaviour the respondents usually receive from friends, the media, books, parents and school. The students prefer to receive information for prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases by teaching activities carried out by coevals, lectures, video films and brochures.