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Intraoperative colonoscopy - Indications and advantages

V. Ignatov, K Ivanov, N. Kolev


The introduction of colonoscopy as a routine method in the diagnostic and treatment practice is a new stage in coloproctology. As we know, the number of paraneoplastic diseases and multicentral forms of cancer increases. Based on the existence of determinate number of preoperative colonoscopical unexamined patients, we began the application of intraoperative "peranal colonoscopy". With the method of intraoperative colonoscopy were examined 25 patients. From them 19 were men and 6 women at the age of 31 to 65 years. In 25 examined patients we discovered 9 with undiagnosed preoperatively polyps over the stenosing tumor process. Knowing the opportunities of the intraoperative colonoscopy and based on our experience we propose that this method could be applied in urgent operative interventions of colon and rectum with un known source of haemorrhage. Intraoperative colonoscopy is a valuable diagnostic method in the surgeon's hands and its appropriate application to selected patients helps us having the correct operative behaviour.

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About The Authors

V. Ignatov
Medical University of Varna

Department of General and Operative Surgery, Sector of endoscopic, laser and miniinvasive

K Ivanov
Medical University of Varna

Department of General and Operative Surgery, Sector of endoscopic, laser and miniinvasive

N. Kolev
Medical University of Varna

Department of General and Operative Surgery, Sector of endoscopic, laser and miniinvasive

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