Modern knowledge indicates greater scope and complexity of autonomic dysfunction after acute stroke. In addition to cardiovascular and respiratory disorders there are disturbances in sweat regulation and the responses of the sympathetic skin reflex in cerebrovascular disease. Bilateral changes in the parameters of the sympathetic skin response, as a result of unilateral cortical lesions are associated with the influence of inhibitory or stimulatory effects of the cerebral cortex and the reticular formation, which have a complex association with the contralateral cortical structures of the sympathetic system.
The results of our study of patients with acute hemispheric ischemic stroke showed significant difference in the amplitude and latency between the affected and unaffected limbs, only in the group of patients with ischemic stroke in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery with involvement of the insular cortex. When we compared our results from patients with stroke in the left hemisphere with those with stroke the in right hemisphere, we established longer latency times and lower amplitudes in patients with right hemispheric strokes, The most marked ones are the abnormal values in patients with ischemic stroke in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery with involvement of the insular cortex .
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