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Dynamics of Antiphospholipid Syndrome in Patients with Resistant Epilepsy

D. Minchev


Antiphospholipid syndrome could be related with the autoimmune pathogenetic mechanisms in epilepsy. The study covered 14 patients with resistant epilepsy aged between 2 and 38 years and divided into two groups: with partial epilepsy with or without secondary generalization (10 cases) and with primarily generalized epilepsy (4 cases). The findings from the clinical, immunological (IgG, IgA, IgM, anticardiolipid amd antinuclear antibodies), EEG and CT examinations during one-month period were twofold analyzed. Eight patients in the first group presented with positive aCL antibodies while 5 ones demonstrated a reduction of IgA. The comparison of the high positivity of aCL antibodies in the group with partial and secondary generalized as well as with primarily generalized seizures was confirmed by the high frequency of the epileptic seizures in these patients, the resistance of the epilepsy independently of the therapy with two or even three anticonvulsive drugs of first and second order and the onset of the disease of about two years. There was a parallelism between the focal and generalized EEG changes and the data of prevailing positive aCL and antinuclear antibodies along with low IgA levels


Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Resistan Epilepsy, Immunoglobulins

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D. Minchev

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