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International Visibility of Bulgarian Memory Research

D. Tomov


Contemporary neuroscience is characterized by intensive internationalization of basic and applied memory research. A scientometric analysis of the publications by Bulgarian authirs abstracted in MEDLINE from 1966 till 2004 was carried. A total of 94 papers authored by 61 Bulgarian authors and published between 1980 and 2004 became internationally 'visible' through this widely used data-base. Four Bulgarian journals contain 38 articles but 25 foreign ones from 10 countries - 56 articles. A total of 50 papers were published in 22 mono-disciplinary journals from 11 countries, 36 - in 4 two-disciplinary journals from 4 countries, and 7 - in 2 journals from two countries. In 11 journals containing the term 'pharmacology' in their title a total of 65 papers by Bulgarian authors were published. Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Bulgarica (Bulgaria) contained 32, Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Phamracology (Spain) - 15 and European Neuropsychopharmacology - 5 papers. International collaboration resulted in 5 papers published in Bulgarian and in 12 papers published in foreign journals. V. D. Petkov and V. V. Petkov from the Institute of Physiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia) were the most productive authors in this field with 36 and 30 papers, respectively. Recently, there is a trend of gradually improving international visibility of Bulgarian pharmacology dealing with memory in man and animals.


Memory Research; Bulgarian Pharmacological Science; Scientometrics

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D. Tomov


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