Gamma radionuclide 111In is often used in radiodiagnostics due to his suitable characteristics. Its typical clinical form is as a chelate of some polyaminopolycarboxylic acids, in most cases - DTPA. Therefore, it is of a practical interest to understand the chemical stability of the complex In-DTPA, as well as the Indium-DTPA equilibrium system kinetic. In this paper some results of investigations of behaviour of 111 In(III) in aqueous solutions in the presence of DTPA carried out by the method of horizontal zone electrophoresis in a free electrolyte are presented. Some thermodynamic parameters have been estimated as follows: effective charge of the complex In-DTPA zeff. = -1,7; stability constant β= (1,5 ±0,3). 10+29; kinetic constants for reactions of formation (k1) and degradation (k2) of chelate: lgk1 = -1,0 and lgk2 = -2,6.
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