First described in 1948 by Pablo Luis Mirizzi as `functional liver syndrome in jaundiced patients` and bearing his name, Mirizzi syndrome is a rare but serious complication of the gallstones, requiring careful approach in patients.For the period 2010-2015 in the Second Department of Surgery, 22 patients with Mirizzi syndrome are hospitalized. The ratio of women:men = 2.1:1. The age of the patients ranged from 19 to 78, all of them with long-established history and clinical presentation of gallstones.The patients had both planned and emergency surgeries, various types and sizes of surgical interventions were performed, including laparoscopical ones - cholecystectomy, cholecystectomy with drainage Kehr, cholecystectomy with biliary enteric anastomosis, reconstruction of the common bile duct.
Keywords: Mirizzi syndrome, cholecystectomy, gallstones