The purpose of the present work was to study the changes of some psychophysiological parameters in air-traffic controllers under the influence of the working process and occupational environment. Some 28 air-traffic controllers at a mean age of 34,9 years and mean length of service of 11,8 уears were examined. A dynamic following-up the changes of psychic working capacity according to the shift-work regimen - at the beginning and at the end of the morning, afternoon and night shifts was performed. Fatigue and neuro-emotional stress underwent a subjective evaluation. Objectively, the following parameters were examined: attention properties, speed and preciseness of the visual-motor reaction, movement coordination, static tremor, and rate of hand movements. The labour of the air-trafic controllers was characterized by a high intensity and was related with heavy resposibility and permanent stress situations as well. A significant subjective reduction of the working capacity along with an enhanced voluntary effort at the end of the working shifts was established. The subjective scores were lower during the night shift than those during the day shift. The changes of the attention parameters such as productivity, volume and rate of processed information during the night shift appeared to be particularly indicative when the objective examinations were concerned.
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