BACKGROUND:The abdominal pathology of newborns and infants, unlike adults, manifests itself most often in urgent conditions. This requires that a decision be taken in the shortest possible time, applying an appropriate or a combination of modalities. The higher radiation sensitivity of pediatric patients must be taken into consideration.
MAIN BODY:The advantages and disadvantages of imaging modalities are discussed, according to pediatric age. The imaging of the most common units causing acute abdomen in pediatric patients is presented: necrotizing enterocolitis, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, proximal and distal GI obstruction, intussusception, pyloric stenosis, appendicitis, and mesenteric lymphadenopathy.
CONCLUSION:We should know what condition to expect and how to search for it (age, clinical presentation, collaboration with pediatricians). Conventional radiology and ultrasound, especially in combination, may solve most of the problems in the pediatric abdomen. Perform XR and US with artistry to obtain the best diagnostic profit. Follow the ALARA/ALADA principle!
Keywords: imaging, pediatric, acute abdomen, congenital