PURPOSE: Nowadays most physicians experience problems with the proper diagnosis of the sacroiliac joint dysfunction. It is mainly due to the presence of numerous diagnostic tests of unclear clinical reliability and insufficient research. The objective of this study is to develop a highly efficient diagnostic approach to the sacroiliac dysfunction.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 120 patients with dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint were examined by means of 7 tests. These tests were provisionally divided according to their association with testing of the real movement in the sacroiliac joint into specific tests such as De Winter phenomenon, spine-test and Rosina test and non-specific ones such as Patrick, Mennel I, pseudo-Lassegue and 3-step test.
RESULTS: Against the very common initial data from all the tests a very distinctive result difference after manual therapy was present. The non-specific tests demonstrated a low level of clinical reliability when applied right after restoring the joint functionality. On the other hand, the specific tests presented with a clinical reliability of more than 91%.
CONCLUSION: An eventual positive result of two specific tests mentioned above provides a diagnostic accuracy of 94% concerning the functional disorder/blockage of the sacroiliac joint.
Scripta Scientifica Medica 2013; 45(2): 70-74.