PURPOSES: We applied the thymidine analog, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) that labels DNA to study neurogenic events in many brain regions of the postnatal mammalian brain and to evaluate its paradigms, pitfalls and limitations.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Different BrdU paradigms and various time points between postnatal day P0 and P51 were applied to Wistar rats. Paraffin sections for single or double BrdU immunohistochemistry combined with neuronal markers nestin, Dcx, MAP(2) and NeuN by peroxidase or fluorescence labeling were examined. Sections were analyzed using standard or confocal microscopy and stereology.
RESULTS: Peak neurogenesis was found out in the dentate gyrus during the first postnatal week of life with a progressive decline after P9. Areas with substantial neurogenesis such as subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles, subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, and cerebellum were observed. By P14 to P18, cell proliferation was reduced in most brain areas with exception of the dentate gyrus. Numerical densities of BrdU(+) cells in all evaluated brain regions were higher in the younger animals and decreased with age. Most newly-generated cells became nonneuronal cells (endothelial and glial cells). BrdU colocalization with neuronal markers was rarely found out mainly within the dentate gyrus and cerebellum.
CONCLUSION: In the developing rat brain, BrdU labeling showed regional distribution. It was dose-, age- and survival time-dependent. Our findings provided useful information on BrdU application in the study of postnatal neurogenesis.
Scripta Scientifica Medica 2013; 45(1): 24-28.